
3-9-2024: The SportEYE Research Report is now live!

We’re thrilled to announce that the SportEYE – Research Report is now live! Explore the full report and see how collective efforts in the sports sector are contributing to a greener future:

18/03/2024: SportEYE Project Meeting at PLAY International in Paris

On March 14th and 15th, SportEYE project partners gathered at the office of PLAY INTERNATIONAL located in Saint Ouen, Paris, to discuss the latest findings and further steps regarding the promotion of sustainable practices in sports organisations.

Day 1

Fundación Real Betis Balompié joining SportEYE

On March 14th, the SportEYE consortium officially welcomed Fundación Real Betis Balompié to the project. The Foundation will be an integral part of the educational package that is created as part of the SportEYE project and thus help in promoting sustainable practices in sports organisations.

Every year, Fundación Real Betis supports more than 300 organisations that work in the social or environmental sector, mainly in Seville and Andalusia. Each Season, the Foundation addresses a long list of initiatives to continue their work to improve social, economic and environmental factors within the community, being aware that social responsibility is increasingly important in any type of organisation, but much more so in a club like Real Betis Balompié, where the value of feelings and emotions are always present.

Progress of the Educational Content (WP3)

PLAY International hosted brainstorm session regarding the content of the educational package to guarantee its applicability and relevance to sport organisations.

The consortium is looking forward to reaching out to sport organisations later in the year in order to start educating about integrating SDGs in the daily workings among organisational staff such as managers and also sport coaches. 

Visit of Paris2024 Legacy and Engagement Forum

SportEYE partners had the opportunity to visit the Paris2024 Forum. It was a great opportunity to find out more about the upcoming mega event and its sustainable effect on the city of Paris, its inhabitants, the environment and wider society in general. More specifically, project partners had the opportunity to meet up with the director of sustainability of the Paris Olympics and Paralympics. Thus, they were able to gain valuable insights which can be implemented into the educational package

Day 2

Management and coordination (WP1)

On Friday, 15th of March 2024, the project partners discussed pending issues, updates regarding different work packages and summary of the done work so far. Additionally the current finance overview has been checked by project partners to make sure that everything continues to run smoothly. 

Dissemination (WP5)

Furthermore, the newsletter publication and use of different social media channels have been discussed.

Next Steps

The meeting concluded with discussion about scheduling the next partner meeting, which will take place in Milan, Italy, later this year.

The third SportEYE meeting proofed the commitment, collaboration and dedication of project partners towards the project’s goals and objectives.


“Empowering Your Sport Club, Children and Youth and for the Environment in the Mediterranean Region” also know as “SportEYE” is an Erasmus+ funded initiative by the European Union that promotes transnational cooperation. It involves partners from various sectors, including the Olympic Movement, Sport for Development, Academia, and civil society. The project focuses on the European Mediterranean region, which is facing environmental challenges due to sustainability issues. SportEYE aims to engage local communities to enhance the governance and impact of team sports clubs on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is achieved through a multilevel curriculum that targets management, coaching staff, and young participants, fostering environmental awareness and sustainability.

06/10/2023: SportEYE Project Meeting at NAC Breda

On October 6, in a meeting of the SportEYE project, partners gathered to discuss the latest developments and future plans for this ambitious initiative aimed at promoting sustainable practices in sports organizations. The meeting, held in Breda, showcased the commitment of all involved parties to advancing the project’s goals.

Welcoming and Presentations

The meeting commenced with EFDN extending a warm welcome to all attendees, setting the stage for the following discussions, introducing Breda as the meeting’s host city and touching upon the logistical aspects of the gathering. IOTC provided insights into the project’s work plan, highlighting the completion of Work Package 2 (WP2).


UCSC took the floor to present the progress made in WP2’s research phase. Partners were given additional time to collect information specific to their territories. UCSC then shared insights into the research methodology, work accomplished so far, and some preliminary results, including best practices.

Representatives from various organizations, including Futbol Mas, ICSS, PLAY International, EFDN, and IOTC, discussed their contributions to WP2, sharing figures and insights from focus groups, and challenges encountered. The group aimed to reach a target of 50 sports organisations, with final reports expected by the end of October.

For example, PLAY International conducted 9 interviews with varying sporting organisations, including one EFDN member: Olympique Lyonnais. Furthermore, ICSS presented initiatives from an EFDN member in its Focus Group Report: Sport Clube União Torreense.

Policy Recommendations

ICSS presented the plan for WP4, which focuses on policy recommendations. ICSS would draft an initial version of these recommendations, which would then be shared with partners for feedback and comments. After incorporating these inputs, a second version of the document would be created and shared for final approval.


EFDN provided an overview of WP5, emphasizing that the project website and the first digital leaflet had already been submitted. Partners were encouraged to contribute content for publication on the website or social media platforms. EFDN also shared links to various project deliverables and discussed additional communication objectives.


IOTC, leading WP1, presented the status of the continuous reporting tool for SportEYE, and elaborated on reporting periods, budget control, and overall project management.


FutbolMas and PLAY International outlined the plans for WP3, which focuses on implementation. She highlighted that the educational package would be consistent for both managers and coaches, consisting of theoretical content, the benefits of using Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), guidelines, and practical examples. The toolkit would focus on implementing this educational package.

Scheduling the Next Meeting

The meeting concluded with discussions about scheduling the next partner meeting, tentatively set in Paris, pending confirmation from Play International.

In summary, the SportEYE project meeting showcased progress made across various work packages and demonstrated the commitment of partners to its successful realization. Collaboration and dedication remained strong as partners worked collectively towards the project’s goals and objectives.


“Empowering Your Sport Club, Children and Youth for the Environment in the Mediterranean Region” also know as “SportEYE” is an Erasmus+ funded initiative by the European Union that promotes transnational cooperation. It involves partners from various sectors, including the Olympic Movement, Sport for Development, Academia, and civil society. The project focuses on the European Mediterranean region, which is facing environmental challenges due to sustainability issues. SportEYE aims to engage local communities to enhance the governance and impact of team sports clubs on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is achieved through a multilevel curriculum that targets management, coaching staff, and young participants, fostering environmental awareness and sustainability.