“Empowering Your Sport Club, Children and Youth for the Environment in the Mediterranean Region (SportEYE)” is a transnational and multi-sectoral cooperation initiative co-funded by the European Union within the Erasmus+ programme, involving partners from the Olympic Movement, Sport for Development, Academia and civil society, working together to activate and mobilize the local communities in order to improve the good governance and impact the capacity of team sports clubs on SDGs indicators from a holistic perspective, through the incorporation of a comprehensive multilevel curriculum that reaches managing and training staff, and ultimately children and youth.
SportEYE has been designed under the horizontal priority “Environment and fight against climate change” of the Erasmus+ Programme, with a special focus on “Promoting education in and through sport” as it aims at supporting skills development in sport and environmental sustainability. More specifically, the project will be focusing on SDGs 4 (quality education), 11 (sustainable cities and communities), 12 (responsible consumption and production), 13 (climate action), 14 (life below water), 15 (life on land), 16 (peace and justice strong institutions) and 17 (partnership to achieve the goal).
By focusing on the European Mediterranean area, which is experiencing considerable negative environmental impacts due to the present lack of sustainability in Europe and the world as a whole, the SportEYE project aims to improve the good governance and impact capacity of team sports clubs on SDG indicators from a holistic perspective. This will be done through the incorporation of a comprehensive multilevel curriculum in order to reach managing and training staff and, via them, ultimately reach children and youth.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- Conduct a research on the state of the art on existing policies, rules, strategies, measures, experiences and initiatives to promote the knowledge, assumption and adoption of the SDGs by the sports organisations in their daily work, including a collection of good practices (successful cases)
- Produce and implement an innovative educational package on specific strategies and practical measures for improving the social and environmental impact of team sports clubs on their local communities
- Test on the field and check the progress made by participants and measure the social and environmental impacts reached on their local communities thanks to the training received
- Design and launch an online collaborative platform for fostering networking among people, organisations and experts from different countries and backgrounds, all of them committed to the SDGs, for sharing ideas, experiences, knowledge and new materials on this topic
- Develop policy recommendations aimed to the effective adoption of the SDGs by sports organisations for achieving positive social and environmental impacts on local communities
- Contribute to the networking and cooperation between sport governing bodies, public authorities, educational institutions and team sport clubs in general for the promotion and strengthen of the positive social and environmental impact of these team sports clubs on their local communities in the Mediterranean Region through the adoption of the SDGs indicators in their daily work
- Ensure the quality of the implementation of the project and its outputs
- Disseminate information about the activities implemented and results obtained
- Guarantee the exploitation and sustainability of project results
Dissemination and exploitation of results are an integral part of the Erasmus+ project throughout its lifetime as well as after. The overarching aim of this plan is to strategically structure the dissemination and exploitation activities of Sport Transparency.
While dissemination activities will concern external communications about the project results and outcomes, exploitation activities will aim at ensuring the sustainability of the project, so that its results are used beyond the lifetime of the project. As such, dissemination and exploitation are distinct, although they are closely related.
The main objectives of the dissemination and exploitation activities are to:
- Promote the widest possible outreach and visibility of SportEYE throughout Europe to raise awareness of the project.
- Deploy multiple communications formats tailored to a wide range of stakeholders and audiences.
- Transfer the key outputs, results, and impact of the project to key decision-makers to promote the sustainability of actions
- Convince individual end-users to adopt and/or apply the results and methodology of the project, to ensure a positive impact beyond the project lifetime.
- Facilitate reporting to (funding) partners
To reach out with our message about SportEYE, we plan the following activities:
- SportEYE project website and social medias in English (the website will be maintained for 1 year after the end of the project); in addition, partners will develop on their websites, project dedicated webpages and social media in their language; videos and photos will be produced by partners and shared on the project dedicated website, social media, etc
- Project logo and EU Programme logo, and templates (the project’s logo will be designed for online and all printed material in order to ensure the maximum visibility of the project and Erasmus+ Programme; EU rules – logo and written mention – will be used for all materials);
- Project materials (leaflets, brochures, articles, press releases, flyers, posters, banners, gadgets etc.) will be used in project related activities.
- Public project events (e.g., conferences, seminars, meetings and workshops, events, etc.)
- EU Dissemination platform (project outputs and results will be made available not only on the project website, but also on the EU Dissemination platform)
We will describe our achievements here.